Goal 1: Grow and retain membership and enhance member involvement.
A. Obtain/maintain 90% of identified eligible active duty as members.
B. Obtain/maintain 100% of active duty residents as members.
C. Increase medical student and full-time out service resident (FTOS) membership.
D. Identify and examine strategies to address the top four items identified on the membership services survey.
E. Annually recognize remarkable Uniformed Family Physicians for their achievements.
Goal Champions: Membership and Member Services, Clinical Informatics, Practice Management, Resident and Student Affairs and Member Constituencies Committees
Goal 2: Operational Readiness. Enhance uniformed family physicians’ and service members’ capabilities to remain operationally ready in all environments and roles.
A. Provide operationally relevant educational content through regular contributions to the Uniformed Family Physician and provision of operationally focused topics at the annual meeting.
B. Serve as a resource for operational medicine content and educational initiatives for residents and students.
C. Develop and maintain relevant, current, and user-friendly resources for operational medicine and readiness.
Goal Champions: All USAFP Committees
Goal 3: Education. Provide quality education for our members: anytime, anywhere.
A. Provide and promote quality resources and virtual learning opportunities for members worldwide to maintain diverse scope and skills.
B. Empower members to educate and train in any environment.
C. Provide high quality, evidence-based annual meetings.
Goal Champions: Education, Clinical Investigations, Clinical Informatics, Member Constituencies, Practice Management, Operational Medicine, Resident and Student Affairs and Wellness and Resiliency Committees
Goal 4: Scholarship. Promote and facilitate impactful scholarship.
A. Enhance the premier research competition.
A1. Integrate scholarly work into meeting topical programming.
A2. Foster scholarship activities that support the practice of comprehensive uniformed family medicine.
B. Sustain a showcase highlighting scholarly activity by members.
C. Provide resources to allow all members to conduct and disseminate research.
D. Maintain robust training for local research mentors and resident research champions.
E. Intentionally target field researchers (e.g. first tour) for scholarship training and support.
Goal Champions: Clinical Investigations, Operational Medicine, Practice Management and Resident and Student Affairs Committees
Goal 5: Leadership. Identify and develop diverse joint service leaders and mentors.
A. Promote followership as a core skill of leadership development.
B. Sustain and support programs to develop future and current leaders.
C. Develop diverse, equitable and inclusive educational opportunities for physicians, at all levels, as leaders of the healthcare team.
D. Foster ongoing mentoring opportunities at all career stages.
E. Ensure transparent communication and promotion of USAFP and AAFP leadership opportunities.
Goal Champions: All USAFP Committees, Senior Service Directors on the USAFP Board of Directors, current and former USAFP Officers, Directors and Flag Officers.
Goal 6: Advocacy. Advocate for the interests of the Uniformed Family Physician, our patients, and an improved healthcare system.
A. Inspire and support USAFP members’ participation in AAFP and other regional and national medical and health related organizations.
B. Encourage the USAFP to submit to the AAFP Congress of Delegates, NCCL and National Conference relevant resolutions supporting the interests of the Uniformed Family Physician, our patients and our health care system.
C. Submit a full sate to ACLF and NCCL.
D. Facilitate participation on at least three AAFP Commissions.
E. Engage retired Uniformed Family Physicians to serve as advocates for the USAFP.
Goal Champions: Member Constituencies, Executive Committee and the USAFP Board of Directors
Goal 7: Wellness and Resiliency. Assist members in achieving well-being to enjoy meaningful work life integration.
A. Encourage self-care, peer-to-peer, and leadership level support in order to optimize work life integration.
B. Provide and promote ongoing educational, scholarship and mentorship opportunities to assist in optimizing personal and professional health and well-being.
C. Encourage and support USAFP member participation in physician and community wellness programs.
Goal Champion: All USAFP Committees