Guidelines/Examples for Poster Boards

 In Guidelines

The Clinical Investigations Committee has implemented new design requirements for the juried poster competition. Below is a template of the new requirements:

New Poster Design Template

More examples of the new poster design can be viewed here.

Please watch the video below “How to Create a Better Poster” by Mike Morrison for additional details and information illustrating these new changes.

Please refer to the image below for instructions on how to create a QR Code (click to enlarge):

A standing 4′ x 8′ felt covered board is provided for your poster. Your poster must fit in this space and print must be legible from a distance.

A draped table will be provided under the standing board for any information/handouts you may have.

You will need to bring the items to attach your poster to the standing board. Velcro is recommended to keep eyes off the edge of the poster and focus on the content. There will be instances when Velcro will not adhere to the board, so be prepared to use suitable alternatives such as tacks or pushpins.

A suggested format for the poster:

Clinical Investigation: Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion
Educational Research: Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion
Case Report: Introduction/Objective, Case Presentation, Discussion, Scholarly Question(s), Conclusion

Click here to download Poster Judging Forms for the CI/ER category
Click here to download Poster Judging Forms for the CR category

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