Definition: A Case Report is a rare or undefined clinical occurrence or approach to diagnosis/treatment that adds to the current knowledge base. Learn more…
Authors submitting case reports should prepare an abstract of no more than 300 words that excludes the following headings: Introduction/Objective, Case Presentation, Discussion, Scholarly Questions, and Conclusion. Learn more…
Requirement Notice: The Clinical Investigations Committee has implemented written patient informed consent as a requirement for all case report submissions. This decision matches privacy trends and requirements to major journals and other presentation venues. Every attempt should be made to remove any personally identifiable information from the abstract.
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The content following each heading should be as follows:
Introduction/Objective – Begin the abstract with a precise statement (1-2 sentences) of the primary objective of the case report. Why is it worth reading? Sell its importance.
Case Presentation – Describe the case clearly and definitively. Avoid including unnecessary information that is not pertinent to the case, discussion or outcome. Use the Dragnet approach – “nothing but the facts Ma’am.” For example, if the actual value of a lab test or physical finding is not important to the report or discussion, then either do not include it, or state that it was normal. Why does the case standout?
Discussion – Put meaning to the case. How is this case similar to what is already known in the literature (similarities), and how is it different? Provide possible alternative explanations to what was found. Support what already has been documented in the literature, but also strengthen the unique qualities or explain why your case contrasts with previous case(s). Merely being “interesting” is NOT grounds for a case report. How does this case improve patient care?
Scholarly Questions – What questions does your case report raise? For example, what future research questions, policy questions, ethical questions etc. are raised by your case? Provide at least one scholarly question related to your case.
Conclusion – What are the implications of this case? Avoid stating “Every family physician should know…” Instead, provide how knowing about this case will improve patient care or how it will change how one looks at a presenting finding, a condition, etc.