Committee Description:
The Practice Management is charged with monitoring and evaluating the provision of health care services to military beneficiaries by members, to include Family Medicine representation on hospital staffs, and monitor changes in health care delivery as it impacts the specialty and our patients. The committee promotes the delivery of quality health care and full credentials for military health care providers within the limits of their training and acts to represent the membership in monitoring the delivery of health care services, both service specific and at national levels, as they impact on the welfare of the patient beneficiary population and the profession.
Specific Functions:
- Monitors credentialing problems by members at their military hospitals.
- Remains abreast of national policy decisions that might impact on the provision of health care services to military members and their families by family physicians.
- Encourages activities by society members to enhance their capabilities to provide quality health care to their patients.
- Promotes the specialty of Family Medicine among the services and its unique roles in peacetime, wartime, and contingency health care delivery, including promoting the broad application of the military unique curricula for all residency training programs.
- Broadens the interest among all military services for increased numbers of Family Physicians as a cornerstone of their primary care system.
- Constantly reviews activities in support of the membership and act in accordance with the guidance of the President and Board of Directors.
- Presents recommendations and findings on an annual basis to the membership and keep them informed through the newsletter of committee activities at least twice annually.