Practicing in a Primary Care Environment can be inherently stressful. Short visits for long problems and an uncooperative system can build feelings of resentment – and have cut short the career of many promising physicians. As many Primary Physicians are burdened to the point of saturation, it is increasingly important to create advocacy for Primary Care in the field. There are several areas that Primary Care can be heard!
Essentially, informatics is a cross-roads between the worlds of healthcare, health information technology and business/policy. Informatics encompasses over 70% of our day-to-day work in a clinic! It’s everything from getting a comprehensive patient history, to answering that clinical question, to having an educated patient. It’s not about being a “techie doc” or pulling analytics/data – though these can be important skills to have!
If you’d like to learn more about what Informatics Is, and Isn’t, click here!
If you’d like to see the original article, click here!
Family Medicine Physicians have acted as Chief Medical Information Officers, Chairs of the Functional Advisory Council (the group that just bought our new Electronic Health Record), and as Advisors and Leads in the Tri-Service Workflow Team and the Tri-Service Workflow Advisory Groups.
Are you interested in joining the committee?
Request a form by emailing Maj Matthew Barnes, and we’ll be glad to get in touch with you: