Audio Digest – Audio-Digest produces CME/CE audio programs, delivered to physicians and healthcare professionals on a subscription basis. The DoD provides this resource for military physicians. To access please follow the prompts below:
– Visit on your work computer
– The Audio Digest site should recognize your IP address as coming from a mil computer. If not send a msg to: and they will help you register for an account
Daily InfoPOEM – The USAFP is pleased to continue providing a free subscription to Daily POEMs from Essential Evidence Plus as a USAFP member benefit. Daily POEMs (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) alerts and 3,000+ archived POEMs help you stay abreast of the latest and most relevant medical literature. Delivered directly to you by e-mail every Monday through Friday, Daily POEMs identify the most valid, relevant research that may change the way you practice. Monthly, the complete set is compiled and sent for additional summary review. Ongoing since 1996, their editors now review more than 1,200 studies monthly from more than 100 medical journals, presenting only the best and most relevant as POEMs. The acclaimed POEMs process applies specific criteria for validity and relevance to clinical practice. If you want to subscribe, please e-mail USAFP so your e-mail address can be added to the distribution list.